We have helped many Fortune 25 companies, Fortune 500 companies, and even Fortune 1,000 companies like Discover, Wells Fargo and Capital One increase their sales through the use of our Premium Promotions. If companies like Wells Fargo and Discover have successfully used our 3 day 2 night vacation incentives to increase the volumes of their personal and commercial account business sales, we are confident the PPM Promos will help sell your products and services too.
Premiums are powerful in any economic climate and proper use drives word of mouth referrals for your business. They can be used very effectively for customer appreciation or as a back-pocket closing tool to hold more gross profit or close a sale. Incentives work and they always have because it is programmed into our consumer DNA to seek the best deal. Premiums will help you separate your business or your product offerings in ways that are meaningful to your customers. Just like a free sample at Costco, our promotions do the important job of redirecting ones attention where you want it at that very moment. The premium separates your offering from everything else at the key moment when you need it to most. One should never read too much into the incentives or see them through your own viewpoint as a business owner. It is truly ok if you don’t like what you perceive as a gimmick just as long as you don’t make the mistake of deciding what constitutes value in the customers mind. The first rule in marketing is to facilitate a customer’s decision to do business with you. In any business we can never obtain new customers until we do one very important thing. Get their attention!
Like a free hot dog at an open house a lot of the time, premiums are meant to draw a prospects attention so that you get the opportunity to sell or market your core products or services which should then stand on their own merits. They are not designed for people to increase their prices and sell things for more money than they otherwise would have. That deflates the value and hands back the advantage to your competition. The extra value our premiums offer is simply a bonus! So, what are you waiting for lets get your business on the road to more sales and profits today! It is low risk and no long-term contracts are required!