Creating Offers Consumers Cannot Refuse

By: Bruce Lawrence CEO PPM Promos. A Division of The Prosperity Partner Media, Inc. Group of Companies.

Welcome. Bruce Lawrence here inviting you to take a moment, get comfortable, get the blood flowing in those legs, grab your favorite cold beverage, and then, come back to this page to enjoy a few serious minutes of your un-interrupted ‘me’ time.

Hey, seriously, it’s not a joke. Stop reading and prepare yourself for some significant thoughts. This is critical. So please, get a beverage, put the cell phone on mute, and do something for yourself for the next 5-15 minutes while you engage in our story. You owe yourself your ‘me’ time every single day. You can have that all important meeting “with yourself” and take stock of where you are and where you need to go next. Your ‘me’ time meeting today is about your marketing strategy and PPM Promos’ unique approach to your success.

Ok, do you realize what just happened? How smart is it to tell someone to leave right at the treasured, crucial moment you have grabbed their attention! That’s very risky. In fact, it’s a no-no. But we see this going on with businesses far too often where too many of their marketing slogans and campaigns do this very same thing. Here at PPM Promos we test this phenomenon with our “So-What” test or the “Well-Gosh-I-Hope-So-Test”. And over and over we see a preponderance of failure on these tests.

In the simplest of terms, the reality is that if you cannot immediately get someone’s attention, you have little chance of ever earning them as a customer. So are you ready to create some leverage? Start learning more about how its done. Go to the members section so we can get started.